Save Alabama Birth Centers- Proposed ADPH Rule
George Burroughs with Get Healthy Alabama highlighted the birth center issues.
Listen here >>>>>>>>>
Huge Shout out to George Burroughs for hosting us on Get Healthy Alabama to talk about how to SAVE ALABAMA BIRTH CENTERS.
Freestanding birth centers can provide an evidence-based alternative to hospital birth for many families. Unfortunately, Alabama currently has none in operation but there are some in planning and development phases. In light of this, the Alabama Department of Public Health has moved to reinstate rules and regulations for the operations of birth centers that were allowed to sunset in 2010 and likely for good reason.
Several aspects of this motion raise questions of a serious nature:
• They claim that this set of rules and regulations will have no economic impact in order to bypass more significant scrutiny. Since when does a regulation restricting the rights of individuals to do business equal no economic impact?
• They also exclude Certified Professional Midwives, for whom we fought so hard to have available for birthing people in this state, from the list of approved professions for birth center operations. This lack of inclusion indicates a significant deficit in contextual language of the Rules and Regulation.
• These rules and regulations were written in 1987 and very clearly do not reflect current evidence or best-practice guidelines.
• They insert significant financial roadblocks to prevent ease of business establishment and thereby restricting care access. Rural Alabamians will suffer continued access to care issues.
Help us fight back and STOP these Birth Center Rules that will RESTRICT access to care and to the detriment to the health of mamas and babies!!
This is just the tip of the iceberg in ADPH's deceptive behavior. Last year they sought to try and remove the requirement for them to be legally required to have a public hearing on proposed rules/regs. Now, we can see a small glimpse into why and what they have to hide....
Send a letter to ADPH and let them know that you oppose these rules/regs. Send the letters by mail to Jacqueline D. Milledge, Bureau of Health Provider Standards, Department of Public Health, P.O. Box 303017, Montgomery, Alabama, 36130-3017
️ Call/Email your state rep/senator (you still have the same one until November but you should also call the candidate who won their primary race - if different) and ask them to also send a letter or make a call to the ADPH State Board of Health members to express their concerns as well. We have links on our website to help you find your legislator and their contact info >>>
A public hearing will be held on 8/18. Attend the public hearing on Aug, 18, 201 Monroe St, RSA Tower, Suite 982, Montgomery, AL beginning at 10:00am. There will be a public comment portion of the meeting where you should be able to voice your concerns. Be sure and Let us know you are coming here >>>
Sign our petition (and any of the others that you see)... We have power in numbers! Even if you follow all of the other call to actions, let’s show them HOW many people in our state want access to birth centers! >>>
-Alabama Birth Coalition